Currently at as a Machine Learning Engineer

In my previous stints at other organizations, I have helped build everything from chatbots to object detection models for 360 degree panaromic images.

I’ve done some cool and challenging projects in my spare time that might be worth checking out, latest of which was an end to end UFC (Mixed Martial Arts) prediction interactive web app, you can try it out here. The data I scraped and processed is now available here

I like to write about experiences, struggles, learnings from a personal lens, you can read them in the writing section


Selected Works

UFC Predictions

Machine Learning

Predicting who will win a UFC match based on cleaned, preprocessed and feature engineered data scraped from

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Handgun Classification

Deep Learning

Image classification of the most popular handguns using Transfer Learning (with Resnet-34) based on images scraped from google images.

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Fashion MNIST

Deep Learning

Fashion MNISTified image classification using CNNs with Resblock/denseblocks, Batch normalization, weight decay and dropout in pytorch

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